the face behind the flowers.

photography by magdalene manson-blair

Kyla Atkinson -Farmer. Florist. Gardener

Former Turtle Technician turned horticulture nerd & gardener, my love for plants and animals started at a young age.

I hold an Honours Bachelor degree in Environmental Management, specializing in Wildlife Conservation & Biology.

I love beach-combing, fossil hunting & bird watching.

I find creativity, environmental compassion & community connections to be the most valuable qualities for success in running this business.

My goal is to help you transform your backyard into biodiverse pollinator sanctuaries.

My focus is to educate on the importance of environmental sustainability and the role that people & pollinators play within it.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey!


Farm, Flock & Flowers.

the importance of why and how we grow.


There has to be a balance when growing and harvesting from the land. Part of this includes supporting the ecosystems on the property.

By creating naturescapes filled with a variety of native flowering perennials, shrubs and grasses we can help sustain a more biodiverse landscape of flora and fauna on the farm.

We also focus on the addition of beneficial habitat features that can help our local pollinator species thrive.

Sustainable Practices.

Meadow Wren follows sustainable growing practices.

This means all of the flowers & food grown on the farm are chemical and pesticide free. We use biological mitigation techniques to deal with pests, such as ladybugs for aphids & ducks, geese and chickens for slugs and wireworm!

We use organic fertilizers filled with alfalfa, seaweed and bone meal to promote root growth as well as vermicomposting to create compost tea to feed the plants to help make them grow strong and beautiful.


Environmental sustainability is a huge reason why I started Meadow Wren.

We save seed, We donate, We connect. We use battery tools over gas.

Every day we make decisions based on how best to live a sustainable life.

It’s important to step away from the use of chemicals, support our local economy and ecosystems, for future generations to come.

lets connect.